Tel: 01285 701202 | Mob: 07971 856663

How it works…





You only have one chance to make a first impression

A typical first session with Sally is a two-way exploratory meeting to identify the client’s requirements, assess any weaknesses and plan a strategy to build on the client’s strengths. Sessions take place within the idyllic surroundings of Siddington Park in a friendly environment tailored to make the client immediately feel at ease or at a larger venue for groups.

When clients approach Sally as a speech coach, they may have several different reasons. Some are already articulate speakers but can appear wooden or uncomfortable behind the podium. Sally can advise how to adjust your body language to improve your overall presentation.

Sally can also help develop your interview skills so you achieve a higher level of success in communicating with your audience.

Tuition is available in person or remotely via Zoom, Whatsapp or Facetime.

3 steps to success…


  • how to have more influence and authority when you speak
  • how you can make an impact – energise your delivery
  • how to keep the interest of your audience with a stimulating style
  • how to be focused – mental preparation – being well prepared
  • how to reduce tension and fear with nerve control techniques
  • how to boost your self-esteem and personal development
  • how the importance of posture and breathing is vital
  • how to be calm and controlled making the message more interesting


  • the importance of eye contact
    your strengths and weaknesses – use self analysis
  • how you can improve the image of your company and yourself
  • how to communicate with people at every level, colleagues, partners and senior management
  • how to be more effective in meetings
    the concept of interviews and what is expected of an interviewee
  • how public speaking can cause a common and acceptable fear and how to overcome it
  • how to manage notes


  • your presence to communicate effectively and build your confidence
  • key skills to empower your presentation and give you impact
  • a structured approach to compose a presentation
  • tools to create a good presentation – a toolbox of tools!
  • the voice with the use of posture, pitch, pace and pauses
  • a voice that is well projected and commands attention
  • your speech and modify your accent
  • your ability to speak on the telephone, across a boardroom table or from a platform

Tips & Tools...

Deep breaths to steady the nerves

Good eye contact and smile

Preparation, preparation, preparation